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标题: New Words 新词汇 第七课 [打印本页]

作者: 胡老师    时间: 2017-8-29 14:32
标题: New Words 新词汇 第七课
New Words 新词汇bossn. the person whose job is to tell other workers what to do
boss - 名词,老板
botherv. to annoy someone or to cause someone to feel annoyed
bother - 动词,打扰
busyadj. actively doing something
busy - 形容词,忙碌的
excitedadj. very enthusiastic and eager about something
excited - 形容词,兴奋的
nervousadj. having or showing feelings of being worried and afraid about what might happen
nervous - 形容词,心情紧张的
news n. information that is reported in a newspaper, magazine, or a television news program
news - 名词,新闻
officen. a building or room in which people work at desks doing business or professional activities
office - 名词,办公室
readv. to look at and understand the meaning of letters, words, symbols, etc.
read - 动词,读
recordv. to store (something, such as sounds, music, images, etc.) on tape or on a disk so that it can be heard or seen later
record - 动词,录音
shown. a television or radio program
show - 名词,电视或广播节目
work v. to do things as part of your job
work - 动词,工作
writev. to create (a book, poem, story, etc.) by writing words on paper or on a computer
write - 动词,写作

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