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标题: New Words 新词汇 第二十二课 [打印本页]

作者: 胡老师    时间: 2017-8-29 15:20
标题: New Words 新词汇 第二十二课
New Words 新词汇【美国之音】

amusement park - n. a place that has many games and rides (such as roller coasters and merry-go-rounds) for entertainment
amusement park - 名词,游乐场
beach - n. an area covered with sand or small rocks that is next to an ocean or lake
beach - 名词,沙滩
camping - n. the activity of sleeping outdoors in a tent usually for enjoyment
camping - 名词,野外宿营
cotton candy - n. candy made from sugar that is boiled, spun into a soft material using a special machine, and then wound around a stick
cotton candy - 名词,棉花糖
fishing - n. the sport or business of catching fish
fishing - 名词,钓鱼
guest - n. a usually well-known person who is invited to appear or perform on a program
guest - 名词,嘉宾
hike - n. to walk a long distance especially for pleasure or exercise
hike - 名词,远足
immediately - adv. without any delay
immediately - 副词,立即
introduce - v. to speak briefly to an audience about something that is about to begin
introduce - 动词,介绍
kid - n. a young person
kid - 名词,孩子
outdoors - adv. outside a building or not inside a building
outdoors - 副词,户外
plan - n. a set of actions that have been thought of as a way to do or achieve something
plan - 名词,计划
plan - v. to think about and arrange the parts or details of (something) before it happens or is made
plan - 动词,计划,规划
right - adv. in a direct course or manner
right - 副词,正确地
right now = immediately
right now = immediately
rollercoaster - n. a ride at an amusement park which is like a small, open train with tracks that are high off the ground and that have sharp curves and steep hills
rollercoaster - 名词,过山车
season - n. one of the four periods into which the year is commonly divided
season - 名词,季节
subject - n. the person or thing that is being discussed or described
subject - 名词,主要人物或话题
swimming - n. the sport or activity of moving through water by moving your arms and legs
swimming - 名词,游泳
vacation - n. a period of time that a person spends away from home, school, or business usually in order to relax or travel
vacation - 名词,度假
The Four Seasons:
spring - n. the season when plants and trees begin to grow
spring - 名词,春季
summer - n. the warmest season of the year
summer - 名词,夏季
autumn - n. the third season of the year, when crops and fruits are gathered and leaves fall
autume - 名词,秋季
winter - n. the coldest season of the year
winter - 名词,冬季

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