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New Words 新词汇 十一课









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2017-8-29 14:39:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
New Words 新词汇【美国之音】
bank - n. a business where people keep their money, borrow money, etc., or the building where such a business operates
bank - 名词,银行
buy - v. to get (something) by paying money for it
buy - 动词,购买
cash - n. money in the form of coins and bills
cash - 名词,现金
corner - n. the place where two streets or roads meet
corner - 名词,拐角
errand - n. a short journey that you take to do or get something
errand - 名词,差事
fast - adj. moving or able to move quickly
fast - 形容词,迅速的
get - v. to obtain (something)
get - 动词,获得
ice cream - n. a frozen food containing sweetened and flavored cream
ice cream - 名词,冰激凌
library - n. place where books, magazines, and other materials (such as videos and musical recordings) are available for people to use or borrow
library - 名词,图书馆
mailbox - n. a public box in which letters and packages are placed to be collected and sent out
mailbox - 名词,邮筒
post office - n. a building where the mail for a local area is sent and received
post office - 名词,邮局
return - v. to bring, give, send, or take (something) to the place that it came from or the place where it should go
return - 动词,还给
sell - v. to exchange (something) for money
sell - 动词,卖
send - v. to cause (a letter, an e-mail, a package, etc.) to go or to be carried from one place or person to another
send - 动词,发送
stamp - n. a small piece of paper that you buy and then stick to an envelope or package to pay the cost of mailing it
stamp - 名词,邮票
store - n. a building or room where things are sold
store - 名词,商店


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